Travels in Time

Travels in Time

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Book reviews NOW please!!

There have been sales, OK, I know there have been sales.
And its not my Mum buying them all, OK.
So where are the reviews.
I don't expect you to be honest... hyperbole, flattery, down-right imitation and simple lying will do.
I'll give points for the best ones; and what do points mean??
Points mean prizes!!

But get them done; c'mon now... if not - detention, lines, remember lines?

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Sales doubled in August!!

It is pretty, isn't it!

A bird lover on her honeymoon...
In July I sold two books; one to my wonderful, very beautiful and lifelong friend Mary (she’s in the acknowledgments) and one to someone else – possibly my oldest pal Mart who features in the book three times... and his shop, The Bike Shed (Wales) gets a gratuitous mention too. Why wouldn’t it, its demonstrably the best bike shop in Cardiff, in Wales and quite possibly the universe!
One of these men knows about I.T. and one...doesn't!

Now I’ve sold two more... One to Javi, who had a hand in getting the bugger published (he’s mentioned in the ackies too – Super Techie!) but being a monoglot Spanish speaker, won’t be able to read it. He just felt it would be a good thing to have, an investment, and he says it looks really cool. He should know, he’s seen it – you and I haven’t.

Then the Belgian wanted one but couldn’t download it onto his non-Kindle i-book. We did a deal; I’m open to deals. Unlimited use of his washing machine while I’m living in my van this summer... So then we had some beer to seal the deal! A proper Belgian amount of beer.
The next morning he had a proper Belgian beer hangover and I didn’t; as I was leaving with my washing, I stopped in the doorway to chat some more – this is Spain and it’s rude to leave when you say you’re going... about twenty minutes later is a good average. As I stood there the cat ran out, the Belgian chased the cat and the unattended door slammed shut.
No keys, 
No cat,
No shoes,
No mobile,
No nothing.

Thus the book cost the Belgian the eighty Euros the locksmith charged to open the door. Expensive reading – and he won’t understand it either!

You, on the other hand, can read the book at these prices...

Tuesday 15 July 2014

STOP PRESS: 2 BOOKS SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debbie Thompson - illustrator incredible
I've sold not one, but TWO books!

Step forward Golden People to be gratefully thanked by a published author drunk on success! Clearly you are superior people; your taste is peerless, your decisions to be respected and imitated.

Seriously; I would love to know who has bought the book. And if you enjoy it...

Never mind the hedgerow; there has been a bustle on the bookshelf. The issues have been sorted and the book can be issued! Click on the link to see it...
What a pretty cover! Isn’t it pretty? Debbie did it – Debbie Thompson; Guilford’s answer to Janis Joplin, Four Non Blondes and Pink all rolled into one, has revealed another side to her amazing artistic abilities. She knocked it off in two hours after we’d been down the pub one evening. Why suffer for you art, says Debs.
So, what’s it about? A bike journey that I did in 2003 from Wales to the Czech Republic and back. But it’s definitely not about the bike. Wise and trusty sergeants; bikes chasing cars; three gorgeous Chermann Anias; blondes gone by; bicycling as Buddhism; sex, drugs, Rock and roll and tiny French villages; the Rainbow Warrior skipper; sex on a stick – a bed-rumpled Bardot; Trabbies and Chevettes, kebabs, Guiness and the “clear stuff” all make their appearance, as do camels in the Czech Repulic, aka, the world capital of surreal... its definitely not about the bike.
Care to peruse a page?

Thursday 3 July 2014

Travels in Time

Never mind the hedgerow; there has been a bustle on the bookshelf. The issues have been sorted and the book can be issued! Click on the link to see it...

What a pretty cover! Isn’t it pretty? Debbie did it – Debbie Thompson; Guilford’s answer to Janis Joplin, Four Non Blondes and Pink all rolled into one, has revealed another side to her amazing artistic abilities. She knocked it off in two hours after we’d been down the pub one evening. Why suffer for you art, says Debs.

So, what’s it about? A bike journey that I did in 2003 from Wales to the Czech Republic and back. But it’s definitely not about the bike. Wise and trusty sergeants; bikes chasing cars; three gorgeous Chermann Anias; blondes gone by; bicycling as Buddhism; sex, drugs, Rock and roll and tiny French villages; the Rainbow Warrior skipper; sex on a stick – a bed-rumpled Bardot; Trabbies and Chevettes, kebabs, Guiness and the “clear stuff” all make their appearance, as do camels in the Czech Repulic, aka, the world capital of surreal... its definitely not about the bike.

Care to peruse a page?